Thursday, November 27, 2008

Merry X-Mas!!!! New Nike Boots!

I don' really want much for Christmas... and i don't really expect much.

But a potential gift to myself...

Any coat ideas for these?

Cameos Continue...

Peep me getting my Denzel on in this video....For those of you who are mentally challenged I will give a brief summary of the treatment.

Guy A(forgot his name... I want to say Terek) has a girlfriend. But he takes her for granted. Doesn't treat her right etc....

Skillz comes thru and kind of has a love at first sight moment with his girlfriend.

Guy A goes to My store to go shopping. He's bossing me around making me hold all the clothes that he wants, but while he's neglecting his girlfriend skillz swoops in for the kill. Not only does Skillz G her down in the store but he also gets her to leave the store after him.

Smh....To all my fellas.... treat your ladies right... before I pull a Skillz on you!!!

Gobble Gobble!!

Yeaaaa sooooo that's all that is left. Sorry for the paper plates but we keep it HOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD (T-pain voice) at our thanksgivings.

We actually had a few surprises this year!!!

Since my grandma is sick, my aunt came down to cook for thanksgiving. The only problem is that sheee's a VEEGANNN!!!!!!!!

Lol... I guess Raeana isn't so alone.

Despite everything though the food was VERY GOOD. I'm actually just waking up from one niggerittis naps.

I also got to seee my cousins that I may have seen only once or twice ever in life!!! It's cool because we are around the same ageee. Sensua is EXTRA funny... I think it's her accent (Washington D.C)

Anyways..... I love my friends and fam... I'm thankful for all of you!!!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pet Peeves...

Okay... Soooo is it just me... or is it extra homo for a dude to piss in the urinal right next to yours..... in a fuckin' empty bathroom!!!!! WHYYYYYY MANNNNNN..... i felt like turning around and peeing on that nigga mannnn!!!!!!! It's not even like he was a foreigner who didn't the laws of space. For example... you know that certain person that sits in the middle seat on the subway... smelling like curry and celery and shit but that's not the topic up for discussion today... RESPECT my space... and my meat... and use another stall!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


HEYYY!!!... Everyone loves a contest!... Help Nesha win hers!!! I think its for HerAgenda campaign!! Either way she does incredible great thingss and she deserves it... SO HOLD HER THE FUCK DOWNNNN PEOPLE. (and if you're a female which most of you are don't hate either show loveee)

The Link is right here!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Grandison Burgers...

Yeaaaaa man... about to whip another one up right now. This is actually a picture of two burgers that I made on Friday. Those who were fortunate enough to have one of these know what time it is....

New York Nick Gets Busy In The Kitchen!!!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ohhh yeaaaa... Monclers are finished

Due to the abundance of Monclers in the ghetto community...most of which are fake.... I've decided to burn mine... and spread its ashes in the Hudson River...

Here's a quote from a famous author...
"When something is getting counterfeited it's probably time to give it up"- Nicolas Grandison

So peep the new banner... and stay tuned for the NEW WINTER '08 Suave....

Stuff I been up to...

Yeaaaaa.... Sooooo I didn't blog in a while... but here's what I've been up to





INTERVIEW WITH SWAY!!! -(madd political)


The only one I can tell you guys about now is the one i have in "Who Run This"

Jadakiss - "Who Run This" from Three/21 Films on Vimeo.

First Record I Made EVER IN LIFE!!!!!- Mazzi ft. NY Nick- I Can't Fuck With You
Don't Worry The Download is safeee!!!!!

And ALSOOOO!!!!!!! A comic book I made...I'm never one to toot my own horn but it's funny as shit!...

Ray J and Lil' Kim

Well I just tried to upload it...and its too big to uplaod... grrrr... ill save it for another posting


I think I'm wearing these everyday until it gets hot again...Blue ones come out next week!

Top Freshman of 2008- Ace Hood

I'm almost positive that a lot of people aren't too sure about Ace Hood.... He made it into the XXL Top Freshman category with the likes of Charles Hamilton, Mickey Factz and Corey Gunz without flooding the online community with mixtapes, videos and freestyles... and for that reason I'm sure many people gave the ":-/"

Trust me though... He's quickly maturing as an artist and I think he's finally getting into his own comfort zone. I remember the cash flow performance at this years Hot 97 Summer Jam and to be honest... I think most people thought he was lil' wayne. Next years summer jam will be different.

After hearing the album in it's entirety I'm convinced... I can name 100 established rappers that COULD NOT have put together an album as good as Ace did...And maybe you won't believe me now but just wait and see for yourself...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wifey Music...

Soooo... If you know me then you probably know I love Beyonce... but to be honest I haven't really been feeling her whole style lately. Her last album pretty much was a testament to ladies... turning girls against good guys like me. I actually went to her concert in the garden... and to be honest i felt a little weird... especially when you have 25,000+ females screaming to the left to the left!!!... But anyway... it seems as though Beyonce was on the same track with her new album... I actually had a pretty involved conversation with Ray about all of this...

But after seeing this video... it seems like i have a change of heart...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October Birthdays And Jadakiss Listening Session

Who Run This (Feat. Jay-Z) - Jadakiss

I 1st want to wish a BE-
LATED Happy Birthday to my friend Assata!!!!! Her birthday was on Monday and she seemed like she enjoyed it. To find out what she did on her birthday check out her blog... It's coooool I love to read it when I'm bored or at work. She also always finds out about the best sales!!! 9 times out of 10 though the sales are for females so if you're reading this Assata hold me downnnnn!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!(kind of an inside joke)

2nd(saved the best for last) I want to wish a happy BE-LATED to RAYYY!!!!!! Her birthday was yesterday, but sadly we couldn't celebrate because she's in Paris!!! Grrrrrr.... I called her.. from my job phone of course... and she sounded like she was having a preettyyyy good time. She's probably still downing car bombs as we speak!!! But if you want to find out what she did check out her blog... From Brooklyn To Paris... and she also had a lot of coool pictures and stories etc...

Soooo.... now that I got the birthday girls out of the way... Time to tell you about what I've been up to!!

Soo yesterday was an interesting day... Anyday Def Jam throws an event is most likely going to be one.

I can't say much about the listening session, because it was a private one, but I will say that Jadakiss has an INCREDIBLE album. A lot of good material...and he has until December to convince people of that. Right now he has a single out with Ne-Yo that I'm kind of starting like a lot... definitely a song dedicated to the ladies. I was supposed to interview him, but I don't think he was in the right mind state to do an interview... But stay tuned for an interview between me and Jadakiss... In the meantime... Check out a video of him leaving the studio...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Love Lockdown

I've noticed that I've been posting A LOT of videos... but I gotta post this.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bob Walters... Skyzoo

I interview up & coming rapper skyzoo...

Inspired By Love...

Lisa Marie - Lil Wayne

... One a "close friend of mine" has inspired me to speak on the topic of love. One of the very few times you'll see me actually talk about the subject, but love never ceases to amaze me. In every way shape and form. The infamous "cuffing season" is here!!!... So what do I do???.... Honestly, I don't even know... but here is my testament... to the one special person out there...

The Champions Race, The Drag Race

The Race of Champions,
The Race of Heart
The Race You'll Love
But The Race Never Starts...

I pull up to the line
I take a glance
And see you by my side...
I know this is my chance

The drive that wins
is victim to fall,
the victim abused
that is scared to call

Is now in the driver's seat
What Should I do?
Thoughts in motion
But scared to move...

I shut the engine off...
And so do you...
The race we won't win
and both will lose

While Still on the topic here's a CRRRAZZZYYYYY VIDEOOO... on the topic of LOVE

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm Still a Kimbo Fan...

This MMA (mixed martial arts) stuff is dumb. Kimbo Slice gets knocked out?????? yyeeaa.... riiiiiiiiiiiii!!... First of all the other dude was SHOOOOOKK!!!... he let kimbo back him into the corner in about 2 seconds... literally. The leg kick really wasn't a leg kick at all... I actually think Kimbo was a little bit off balance... He was already falling BEFOREEE he got hit in the face... but here's what really amazes me...They decide to stop the fight but KIMBO isn't really even getting hit square in the face!!! As a matter of fact... Seth missed most of his shots..After they stop the fight Kimbo tries to take down the Ref... so clearly he was far from hurt. But I guess at the end of the day, a win is a win... fair or not...

P.S... Kimbo... Homie.... You gotta cover your face in MMA... I know you're used to letting dudes punch you in the face, just to show that you can take their best BUT in MMA that doesn't rock. I think if you would've curled up they wouldn't have stopped the fight mannnn!!!... Anyways.. above all you have more heart than any of those lames... especially a dude that decides to come fight with pink hair. I feel bad for the next person you fight... smh

And on top of that... Ken Shamrock was scared to fight you soooo smh... f**k the haters!!!!!

Here's the fight... It starts at 2:06

This Is where Kimbo actually lets a dude hit him in the face... (at around 29 seconds) and then knocks him out...

This highlight reel honestly doesn't do him any justice...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mogul Ventures... Barbara Walters Sh*t

Soooo... you guys will be seeing me interviewing a wide range of people. From music executives, to rappers, to actors etc... So stay tuned for that...I think that's all I want to say for now... smh

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And While We're Still On Philly...

I went to Philly last weekend!!!

I had a lot of fun... We went shopping... ate OFFICIAL PHILLY CHEESTEAKS!!!!... and just partied like usual.

P.S.... Who knew Philly looked like it was hit by Katrina?

It makes Brooklyn look like a gated community!

Sooo.... The infamous cheese steak story. To make the story short and sweet we went to Geno's to check out what a REAL cheese steak was like. Some Philly natives may prefer Pat's... and some probably prefer neither... but IT DEFINITELY WAS the best cheese steak I ever had in life...

Note to everyone who decides to go to Geno's... Geno's = Racist!!! They actually have signs that say "We reserve the right to refuse service" and "You will not be served if you don't speak English"...

Knowing this... we still decide to engage in this interesting convo while sitting down to eat...

Me: YOOOOOOOO these cheese steaks are GOOOODDD!!!!!

Paul: WORDD... this is some weird shit(while chewing food)

Kenny: Yoooo... let me get half of that Paul.

Me: Yo Paul tell em about all those racist signs...

Paul: YOOO... lol... how are Italians racist... they not even from this country PLUS they have accents...

Paul with Italian accent OD loud: Hey Tonyy!!.... Whip me up a cheese steak over there... pronto... put some meatballs on top it and tell everybody from the mafia to come to my house for dinner.

Everybody else: ............. (as we look all the Italian people looking at us)

Random Philly Native: This ain't your hood man... keep it moving

So we left... smh... we got chased out of Philly by the Italians... Nonetheless... It was a GREAT trip...

Stay tuned for more College Road Trips

Even Though I Love Hov...

Peedi wins for this video and song!!!

Remember this guy...

If you don't remember this
Ness... (from making the band II)... here he is... LOL... he went from MTV to DVD... smh.. anyways for all my battle lovers enjoy!

P.S...Ness was my favorite artist from that season.. so definitely no hate intended.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Inspirational Corner- Nas

When I need Inspiration to write... Nas never fails me.

He's also probably your favorite rapper's favorite rapper.

Anyways... just look at the type of swag he has as teenager... reminds you of someone doesn't it...


Chad Muska SkyTops....
Note to this specific colorway.... You have a VERY high price on your head!!!!!!

YouTube Classics- Unforgiveable!

So if you didn't see this already... You're officially a loser.

THANKS RAYY!!!... For reminding me of this particular YouTube Classic!

Conversations with Shani -Shiny Cock/Shinnecock Edition

Soooo.... I've officially had a blog for about 2 hours... and I've come across this interesting conversation with Shani.

me: check out my blog cunt!

Shani: smh... nasty ass.

me: what you mean???

Shani: are u tryna say you have a shiny cock? shinnecock?

me: LOLOL... NNOOOOO!!!!.... Click the link!!!!


soooooo.... I guess we learn at least 2 important things today

1-Shinnecock is a real native american tribe
2- Click the links man!!

P.S. I LOVE SHANI... stay tuned for more interesting convos between her an I.

Tomorrow's Mogul

Soooooooo... I finally have a blog!

For all the people who don't know what a mogul is...

1- A Mongol, or Mongolian; esp., any of the Mongolian conquerors of India and Persia, or any of their descendant.

Like most black people, I wish i had some Indian in me... Well, actually I do... I'm part
Shinnecock Indian...but Native American and Indian ARE two totally different things.


I aspire to be a Mogul, or in simple terms.. any important or powerful person. I can do anything... And I will do anything to get to the top, so to all of my readers (which will most likely only be my close friends for now) follow me on my quest to GREATNESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!