Monday, October 6, 2008

Inspired By Love...

Lisa Marie - Lil Wayne

... One a "close friend of mine" has inspired me to speak on the topic of love. One of the very few times you'll see me actually talk about the subject, but love never ceases to amaze me. In every way shape and form. The infamous "cuffing season" is here!!!... So what do I do???.... Honestly, I don't even know... but here is my testament... to the one special person out there...

The Champions Race, The Drag Race

The Race of Champions,
The Race of Heart
The Race You'll Love
But The Race Never Starts...

I pull up to the line
I take a glance
And see you by my side...
I know this is my chance

The drive that wins
is victim to fall,
the victim abused
that is scared to call

Is now in the driver's seat
What Should I do?
Thoughts in motion
But scared to move...

I shut the engine off...
And so do you...
The race we won't win
and both will lose

While Still on the topic here's a CRRRAZZZYYYYY VIDEOOO... on the topic of LOVE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

deeeeeee .

♥ pinky .