Monday, September 29, 2008

Tomorrow's Mogul

Soooooooo... I finally have a blog!

For all the people who don't know what a mogul is...

1- A Mongol, or Mongolian; esp., any of the Mongolian conquerors of India and Persia, or any of their descendant.

Like most black people, I wish i had some Indian in me... Well, actually I do... I'm part
Shinnecock Indian...but Native American and Indian ARE two totally different things.


I aspire to be a Mogul, or in simple terms.. any important or powerful person. I can do anything... And I will do anything to get to the top, so to all of my readers (which will most likely only be my close friends for now) follow me on my quest to GREATNESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

iig0ogLe said...

thaT shinneCock man, iis kinDa finE :licks lips: aNyways. . .

mOguL: [niko'las]

yOu're deStined fOr suCcess. juSt pLay yOur caRds riGht, anD shit'LL be smOoth aS bOtoxeD baLLs.

lOve ya,

cOurt <3