Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble!!

Yeaaaa sooooo that's all that is left. Sorry for the paper plates but we keep it HOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD (T-pain voice) at our thanksgivings.

We actually had a few surprises this year!!!

Since my grandma is sick, my aunt came down to cook for thanksgiving. The only problem is that sheee's a VEEGANNN!!!!!!!!

Lol... I guess Raeana isn't so alone.

Despite everything though the food was VERY GOOD. I'm actually just waking up from one niggerittis naps.

I also got to seee my cousins that I may have seen only once or twice ever in life!!! It's cool because we are around the same ageee. Sensua is EXTRA funny... I think it's her accent (Washington D.C)

Anyways..... I love my friends and fam... I'm thankful for all of you!!!!!!

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