Saturday, November 15, 2008

Top Freshman of 2008- Ace Hood

I'm almost positive that a lot of people aren't too sure about Ace Hood.... He made it into the XXL Top Freshman category with the likes of Charles Hamilton, Mickey Factz and Corey Gunz without flooding the online community with mixtapes, videos and freestyles... and for that reason I'm sure many people gave the ":-/"

Trust me though... He's quickly maturing as an artist and I think he's finally getting into his own comfort zone. I remember the cash flow performance at this years Hot 97 Summer Jam and to be honest... I think most people thought he was lil' wayne. Next years summer jam will be different.

After hearing the album in it's entirety I'm convinced... I can name 100 established rappers that COULD NOT have put together an album as good as Ace did...And maybe you won't believe me now but just wait and see for yourself...

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